The big lie about sex offenders

Much of the destructive, extra-punishment punishment we inflict on sex offenders is due to the widely held belief that they’re more likely to re-offend than the perpetrators of other classes of crimes. This has been the main justification for the Supreme Court’s authorization of sex-offender registries and for holding sex offenders indefinitely after they’ve served their sentences. Lower courts have then cited those rulings to justify a host of other measures, from severe restrictions on where sex offenders can live to GPS monitoring of their every move. Full Article

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well at least our plight and the truth is getting into the mainstream media..I really wish the attorney arguing the packingham case would of refuted the states attorneys claim citing smith again and perpetuating the lie…its makes no sense to me. since I cant seem to post any criticism of anyone anymore you all will have to make your own conclusions on why no lawyers have been aggressively arguing against the lie..

Great! Awesome to see things like this. Gives me a hope that momentum is soon to build. No Registry will protect the public. It’s just an imaginary confine that only serves to fragment those placed in it.

Nice to see the Washington post get in on this too. Nothing but the facts.

I hope all of the Justices read all of these articles.

My hope and prayer is that the justices or their clerks will see the press and pay a little closer attention to the Amicus brief filed by RSOL and cited in Packingham’s reply brief.

I second that Biol57!

Guys this man Todd Nickerson needs your help! You need to create a google account, and like this video. If you don’t it will only be a matter of time before the dislikes outnumber the likes and that means the Nazis win! I know it might sound crazy but it’s not. You must not underestimate the importance of social media. Believe it or not this influences how people think. And if you want to live your life in peace your must speak out now!

Here’s the big lie about soras. They are really regulatory mental health diagnosis and conditions that are either retroactively applied or are applied currently, and in both cases illegally.
A mental health designation that a person is relativistic, dangerous, or violent, and is a threat to the public safety has to done through state mental health laws, and a person must be given all of the procedural and substantive due processes thereof.
So if you were not given a probable cause hearing, or a jury trial or a waiver, or any individualized psychiatric testimony and evidence or provided any then their conditional release that gives them custody and control over your rights of citizenship by requiring you to report all of there uses, and threatens you with constant imprisonment, and controls your mental health status, then you are under an unlawful second term of custody
Take a look at your state mental health laws, they use recidivism, dangerous Ness, and violence and threats to the public safety through their mental health determinations. In this case, you don’t even get an actual diagnosis using disorders or other mental health terms. You are just claimed to be nuts.
You are automatically, presumptively, and predetermined to be nuts no matter what kind of evidence you provide, and I can tell you this, it’s illegal as hell. Call a lawyer if you have one and demand they challenge the law under this basis and I bet they will either bury it, or you will be entitled to your immediate release. Take that to the bank.